Our Trainers

Meet our specialists


Trainers With Vision

Our Trainers

Our dedicated team of trainers help you further develop the skills and competencies you need to keep making a difference for your organization. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a trainer, send us an e-mail.


Soft Skills Trainer

Professional Employment

He is a proficient CEO who has directed and managed up to 30 business operation branches and an annual operating budget of 15 million. He is an exceptional problem-solver and decision-maker with diverse experience in financial management and all aspects of business operations, as well as expertise in educational leadership.


  • Cross-functional business management
  • Multi-tasks operation management
  • Financial management and analysis
  • Budgeting and controlling cost
  • Purchasing and inventory management
  • Management policies and procedures
  • Problem-solving & decision-making
  • Boosting productivity and 5S & KAIZEN
  • Organizational strategic planning
  • Development and operational planning
  • Educational planning and leadership


Education & Soft Skills Trainer

Professional Employment

He has involved with English Language Teaching (ELT) for 15 years, teaching and directing various English programs in NTC Group, especially in Sovannaphumi School. Furthermore, he has also worked as branch manager, recruitment and personnel officer, adult academic manager, principal and Chief Academic Officer.  He has attended several ELT conferences in Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and United States of America and conducted TESOL training program in Sovannaphumi Training Center (STC) for 23 promotions. He earned certificate of English teaching pedagogy from National Institute of Education (NIE), Bachelor Degree of Project, Program Development Management and Master of Education in TESOL (PUC).

He is currently an Operation Director in the Academic Department of Sovanaphumi School.



TESOL & ICT Trainer

Professional Employment

He is currently working as Training Center Manager, and previously he worked as an International Relations Officer of NTC Group. He is a skilled leader in training and strengthening partnership between NTC Group and both local and international institutions. Mr. Thong Titdara has been committed to enormously contributing to the development of NTC Group.

He graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education in 2012 and a Master’s Degree in TESOL in 2016. Additionally, he has completed many short courses focusing on self- and professional development. These have been enormously contributable to the glory of NTC Group.

He has been fully committed to establishing 2 professional goals as the following: Mutual Overseas Collaboration, which ensures the partnership between the NTC group and other international educational institutions. Community Enrichment which ensures the smoothness and productiveness of every social work project conducted by NTC.